Check the probability of Tibia bosses appearing for free.
Have you been wondering about the chance of a Tibia boss appearing? With this tool, it’s now easier than ever. Tibia Boss Hunter is here to help you track the bosses you’re looking for. By aggregating historical data and using our algorithms, we predict the likelihood of encountering the boss you’re seeking.
Data in the table is updated daily in CET (Central European Time). The website is fully optimized for both desktop and mobile devices—feel free to explore it on any platform.
Select world
Select desired Tibia world, to view all availeble bosses with their type, and chance of appearance.
House Prices Scanner New
Have you ever wondered how much to sell your Tibia house for? Or struggled to agree on a price when buying one? These problems are now a thing of the past. With this tool, you can check the price history of houses auctioned and sold between players.